【同义词辨析】 2018-09-28 影响influence-credit

influence: may apply to a force or power exercised consciously OR unconsciously to guide or determine a course of action or an effect: used all of her ~ to get the bill passed.

authority: implies power from a source such as personal merit or learning to compel devotion or allegiance or acceptance: a policy that has the ~ of the school board behind it.

prestige: implies the ascendancy given by conspicuous excellence or recognized superiority: the ~ of the newspaper.

weight: implies measurable or decisive influencein determining acts or choices: the wishes of the President obviously had much ~.

credit: suggests influence that arises from proven merit or reputation for inspiring confidence and admiration: the ~ that he had built up inthe town.

influence影响力: 引导或决定他人行为的力量,有意或无意,authority权威: 使人接受效力效忠的力量,源自品德学识(merit,learning),prestige威望: 表示优越,即公认显著的优秀卓越,weight巨大影响: 有量度决定性的影响力,credit信誉: 使人信任钦佩,来自品质声誉

记忆方法: 1)首字母IAPWC想成A Wangxizhi PICture王羲之的字画==>影响古今中外

        2)影响的意思是施加于他人思想行为的力量mean power exerted over the minds or behavior of others.